Friday, December 26, 2008

How And Why Shanti Came Into My Life

I’ve always been fascinated by the beauty of birds. Penguins or pigeons, herons, woodpeckers, hummingbirds or coots, I love them all. They bring me joy, often suddenly and unexpectedly. Birds are among life’s greatest gifts of healing, restoration and peace. They reward contemplation with healing, restoration, peace and awe.

I’m also a lifelong student of languages; I’ve always earned my living with words--as a teacher, a writer and a translator. And I’m a passionate student of philosophy.

An avid birder, a linguist and an amateur philosopher? You might think the confluence of these passions would make me the perfect match for an African Grey parrot—an extraordinarily intelligent and emotive bird that has surprisingly advanced linguistic capabilities.

But I won’t kid you (or myself.) I didn’t bring this Congo African Grey (Psittacus erithacus) into our home because birds are beautiful, parrots talk, and I’m interested in philosophy. I got Shanti because of my own emotional needs. I’m 61, my two daughters are grown up, I've retired from classroom teaching career, and I miss nurturing the young. My wife and I want grandchildren someday, but in the meantime, I spend a lot of time at home alone during the day. I’m lonely.

Living with a companion animal is something I need spiritually and emotionally, but I am also committed to Shanti's physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Shanti isn't a pet, and he isn't a surrogate human. He's a fellow being. I'm part of his flock, and he's part of mine.


  1. David - This is a great introduction to this Blog. I am looking forward to following this as your life with Shanti progresses.

    You are in for a very enriched life. That will be filled everyday by Shanti.

    Best Regards - DanMcq

  2. David. what a nice introduction . I hope you keep us all informed as to how you and Shanti go through life.


  3. What a beautiful intro! I too have recently adopted a Grey we named Jesse. She's only 7 months old and bonded quickly to all of us. To me my pets are part of the family and kindred spirits. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your life with Shanti. How old is he and how did you find him?


  4. David, what a great blog page and what a beautiful bird Shanti is, you will spend many years together.
    I followed your link from the Grey Forum and yes I have bookmarked it and will keep checking back.
    Good luck to both of you and all the best in the New Year to you and your family.

    Carolyn & Mika
